Wednesday, April 20, 2011

a.    What is the requirement concerning existing plant materials? (Section 4.A.7)

Existing plant material should be incorporated into the landscaping treatment of a site. The
preservation of natural features and landscaping is a criterion for subdivision and planned
development review.
b.    What landscaping treatment is required for detention/retention ponds? (Section 4.A.9)

Detention/Retention basins and ponds shall be landscaped. Such landscaping should include
shade and ornamental trees, evergreens, shrubs, hedges, turf, groundcover, and other plant
c.    What landscape materials are prohibited? (Section 4.B.1.d)

Prohibited landscape materials include rocks, gravel, stone, asphalt, and thorn-bearing
plant species. Flowering species such as roses may be authorized by the Director of
Planning and Development. Juniper shrub varieties shall not be used to meet the required
d.    What is the class of the proposed parking lot? (Section 5.B.1)
Class B

e.    What percent of the parking area is required to be landscaped?
f.      What is the maximum parking lot island size? (Section 5.C.1)
750 square feet
g.    What is the minimum size of a landscape island in a single row of parking? What types of
plantings must it include? (Section 5.C.1.a)
180 square feet.
h.    What is the minimum size of a landscape island in a double row of parking? (Section 5.C.1.b)
240 square feet
i.      What is the requirement at the end of parking rows? (Section 5.C.1.c)

one additional canopy tree at each end

j.      What perimeter parking lot landscaping is required for the Keystone Library Renovation project? Assume that the property abuts other commercial facilities and public streets. (Section 4.D.2)

20 feet
2 staggered
33 staggered
deciduous or evergreen
k.    Is a landscape buffer yard required for the Keystone Library Renovation project? (Table 12.0.7.E) 
l.      What is the requirement for screening trash receptacle enclosures? (Section 8.B.1)

All trash receptacles shall be completely screened by a wall on three sides matching the materials,
colors, and architecture of the primary structure located on the parcel. The fourth side shall
consist of a metal gate or other similar materials completely hiding the trash receptacle
m.   What is the requirement for street trees? Although Highway 37 is a state road, for the purposes of this activity, assume that both adjacent streets are city streets. You will have to access Article 6: Site Design and Improvement Standards at ( (Article 6, Part M)

Trees shall be planted as a public improvement along any new subdivision street. The cost of street trees and installation shall be born by the developer. The spacing of the street trees shall be every 40 to 60 feet.
Each island and peninsula shall contain a minimum of
one (1) canopy tree and five (5) evergreen or deciduous shrubs, or ornamental grasses.

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